Tab based CSS menu and navigation is a great way to keep a website design clean, fast and optimized. Deciding on a great CSS tab based menu or navigation to use for a design project is very important as it helps to keep all of your design elements organized and well linked. Some of these CSS menu and navigation scripts also consists of Javascripts apart from the CSS files. Check out these great list of some really great and helpful tab based CSS menu and navigation scripts.
jQuery Coda-Slider
Perspective Tabs
jQuery idTabs
Tab Accordian
DHTML Goodies Tab Panes
AJAX Tabs (Rails redux)
Ajax Project – Tabbed Page Interface
JQuery Nested Tab Set
Ajax Tab Reloaded
Free Vertical CSS Menus
JavaScript tabs with jQuery
Yahoo TabView
DHTML Ajax Tabs Content Script
JavaScript Tabifier
KollerMedia Tabmenu
Centered Tabs with CSS
CSS Tab Designer
Light Weight Low Tech CSS Tabs
Module Tabs – Carousel
Joshua Kaufman’s CSS Tab 2.0
Tabbed Navigation using CSS
Duoh’s 2nd Level Tab Menu
Nundroo CSS Navigation
CSS Menu With Slider
CSS drop down menu
Fancy Menu
Creative Pony Sliding Tab
JQuery Tab Animation
Fancy Sliding Tab Menu
Sliding Door of CSS
Aplus ADxMenu
Bulletproof Slants
Core Design Magic Tabs
Brainjar Tabs
qrayg CSS Menu
Kalsey CSS Menu
Accessible Image-Tab Rollovers
CSS Tabs Menu with Dropdowns
Animated horizontal tabs
Inverted Shift Down Menu
Inverted Shift Down Menu II
Vista Aero Buttons Menu
DD Tab Menus
Flexible Tab Navigation
jQuery UI/Tabs
jQuery Thickbox