This is a great post on some of the best 3D effects photoshop tutorials for website and graphic designers. These 3D effects photoshop tutorials are really great especially for newbie photoshop graphic design artists who are new in designing 3D artworks. Check them out and start learning today.
Rendering a Striking Matchbox in Photoshop
Create a Shiny 3D Snooker Ball in Photoshop
Create a Shiny 3D Box
Creating Apple mouse
Draw Orange in Photoshop
Realistic 3D rack server
iPod Shuffle From Scratch
Realistic Decorated Wine Bottle Illustration
Make A Watch In Adobe Photoshop
Make a Floating in Air USB Key Illustration
Designing a Portable Gaming Device Poster
Realistic LCD HDTV
Electronic Torch Light
Wii Controller
Shiny Photorealistic Apple Remote
Detailed Compass Icon in Photoshop
Vector Style MacBook From Scratch
Create a Sony Playstation 3 in Photoshop
Create a Slick Black iMac in Photoshop
Designing Loox Pocket PC
Drawing Mircosoft’s XBOX 360 in Photoshop
Create a Classic Guitar from Scratch In Photoshop
Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon
Create a Realistic Wine Bottle Illustration From Scratch
Create a Super Retro Style Game Controller
Realistic Blackberry Style Mobile Phone
Designing a Black Zune 2 in Photoshop
Design Unique Watch in Photoshop
Create a Mobile Phone Styled Like the HTC Touch Diamond