iPhone is no doubt the best mobile phone out there, in my own opinion, and it has really changed the mobile industry in a much positive way than any mobile phone ever dreamt of. Just as people love to use the iPhone with the many great apps in the appstore, iPhone lovers also want to get their hand on some really great iPhone wallpapers to power the look and feel of their mobile phone screen. That is where the really great collection of creative iPhone wallpapers come in. If you are a designer, this list is even more useful as you can learn from the design on more iPhone wallpapers.
ILoveTypography iPhone Wallpapers
Tylor J. Reimer’s iPhone Wallpapers
‘We Made This’ iPhone Wallpapers
Interface Lift iPhone Wallpapers
Interface Lift iPhone Wallpapers
Cosmic Retro iPhone Wallpapers
The Antidote iPhone Wallpapers
Camilo Bejarano’s iPhone Wallpapers
Sarah France’s iPhone Wallpapers